Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Being Reflective!

One of the aspects that we have been focusing on this year, is to take time to reflect on what we have been learning. Having students practise being reflective is an opportunity for each one to consider what they were learning and if they achieved success at the outcome of the activity.

The students were asked to write a reflection based on the above questions, which come from a teacher called Peter Pappas' website Copy/ Paste.The questions helped the student's write some great responses about the English activities that we have been working on.

The Student's responses: 

What did I do?
"I made a speech about animals in the pound, to make a special shelter for animals." Livia

"I did sport's because people can play easier and more fun, because there are hard sports to play. I gave some good information on my dream" Jack

"I talked about if you can be kind and considerate you can work together to build a better community" Noah

What was important about what I learnt?

"I think it was important to get the body, introduction and the conclusion properly paragraphed. I also think it was important to get the sequence right." Zoe

"The activities were important because it improve our skills on powerful and persuasive writing. It teaches us to speak clearly in a speech." Nikita

"I think the ideas in my speech show what I believe in and it showed that I have improved my speeches because when I was younger I didn't have much idea and took forever to think but now I have ideas and something to write" Callum

Where could I use this again? 

"In the future where I need to write something powerful that will leave the reader thinking. In future tasks where I need to show what I know" Jemimah

"I could definitely use these skills as I get older, like in high school or university. I would use these skills to make my writing more powerful." Lily

How well did I achieve success?

"The thing that indicates my success was my conclusion. I think the way that I ended my speech was good and its probably my my best conclusion I've ever done".

" I achieved success when I published my work on Tellagami and matched pictures to my powerful words in my finished speech."

"I did achieve success because at the end I thought I did the best piece of writing I could've" Payten

As I read the responses to the questions, I was so encouraged by the level of success that the students felt that they had achieved. Success is not always determined by a mark or a grade. The value of true success is in the achievement of having completed a task to a satisfying level, particularly after having persevered through a challenging task.

What was the best thing about English this term? What did you learn?

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