Saturday, 5 December 2015

Year 6 Farewell

Ending the year is always a little bittersweet. There is always the sense of achievement of looking back on a year of hard work, triumphs, successes and sometimes failure. There is always, however, the knowledge that there has been growth. There is also a sense of completion towards the end of a year.
This year has been a special year. I have had the wonderful privilege of teaching a close of whom I am especially fond. They are a happy, supportive and fun bunch of wonderful people. I have an enormous pride in each one of these amazing students. 
I am also humbled by their generosity of spirit for one another and for the people around them. I have learned much from watching and chatting to each of these students. 

Some of our Year 6 students will be heading for other schools next year. Some are staying and continuing their education at MACC. To each of you I would like to say: stay true to yourself and love the Lord. He will guide you!

For each of you, I pray that you will be blessed. I hope that the things you have learned and the memories that you have of Year 6 will hold a special place. It has been an honour to have been your teacher for Year 6. I hope that you will grow and show the world how truly special you all are!

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