Friday 24 July 2015

How to be a Dairy Farmer

To be a Dairy Farmer requires the ability to be able to get up very early each morning. There needs to be a commitment to producing high quality milk, by looking and the breeding and health of the Cattle that he cares for.
We learnt all of this from Martin Hodge, who is a local Dairy Farmer. He came to visit Stage 3 yesterday to tell us all about Dairy Farming. He has worked with Dairy Farmers Association and has featured in some of the ads.

Some of the things that we learned, aside from it being hard work, was that cows eat 60kgs of food and drink 150 litres of water each day. A cow is milked automatically using suction cups. They are milked twice a day and produce up to 40 litres of milk each day. That works out at 12 times 3 litres of milk....which is a lot of milkshakes.
Mr Hodge was asked many questions by the students, who showed a keen interest in the dairy industry and how cows are milked. We really appreciated the time that he took out of his day to help us learn about how to be a dairy farmer.

What did you learn about being a dairy farmer? What did you learn about cows from Mr Hodge? 


  1. stage 3,
    I had a lot of fun learning about dairy farming. I love having a fake cow in our school, and it is going to be very fun to paint it. It must be very difficult to get up at 2:00 in the morning to milk cows. From Lily in 6T.

  2. hey its chaye that was a really interesting speech he gave and I learnt a thing or two off him hope to see him again

  3. To stage 3
    I am so happy that the cows name id milky way. I love having a fake cow in the school and being able to paint it.
    Even though its a cow I still think its a dog.
    From the best student in year 6, 6T, the school and Miss Todds class Matthew Pan

  4. Hi stage 3
    I looooove dairy foods hopefully it is exiting learning more and the maths part I will definitely love that to
    peace out from Aidan

  5. Dear Mrs Todd and all of stage 3,
    Having Mr Hodge in our classroom was lots of fun and really interesting. That afternoon I told my Mum I met a real life farmer who was on TV! I learnt a lot about being a dairy farmer and how they get the milk. They have to get up at 2:30PM to milk the cows and milk them again in the afternoon!



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